LimoWiz 12.0.4-
December 28, 2012
Add a Picture to Driver and Vehicle Profile:

New Printed Contract. Now the contract terms and conditions appear on second page, however, the terms may span multiple pages! In previous version, you had to squeeze the text to make it fit on the first page. Also, the contract formatting has been updated to make it look more professional.

LimoWiz 12.0.1 -
December 16, 2012
Auto Close (shut down) LimoWiz after 20 minutes of inactivity. If limit is reached, a final warning window is displayed for 2 minutes which gives you the option of extending session or closing LimoWiz. The status bar will display time remaining; any mouse movement will rest the timer. By default this option is Off. To turn on, see Settings, Application tab.
Auto Backup feature is combined with Auto Close. If application is closed and a valid backup destination (drive) is already active and reachable, a backup of LimoWiz data is performed. By default this option is Off. To turn on, see Settings, Application tab.
Added option to change printed contract title to replace the word "Contract" with another word. By default this option is Off. To change, see Settings, Trip Settings (2nd tab).
Increased LimoWiz dynamic memory to 64 MB. It was previously set to 32 MB. This will increase LimoWiz performance.
Per licensed company email account settings. If you have multiple Limo IDs license, you can create an email account for each Limo ID and LimoWiz will automatically use it when sending email. To setup, see File menu, Limo ID Email Settings. This feature is only available when using the LimoWiz email engine.
LimoWiz 11.6.6 -
October 11, 2012
LimoWiz 11.6.5 -
September 27, 2012
Updated dispatch window refresh rate mechanism.
Updated payment reports.
Completed SagePay integration for the United Kingdom users.
Added to check for possible duplicate reservations check when adding trip by date only. Default is trip date and trip time. See settings.
LimoWiz 11.6.4 -
September 16, 2012
Updated backup utility (critical update fix for OLE error!).
Fix for county tax not clearing when round trip is not taxable.
NEW: Driver Jobs Report (Less Cash Jobs) accessible in drivers payroll report style drop down list.
Updated HTML confirmations and email account handling.
Now emails sent using the LimoWiz are stored in a sub folder. This resulted in a smaller email database.
Updated backup utility with an option to save email and PDF sub folders (recommended to select this option).
Faster HTML email sending.
Faster index processing.
Improved handling of "Off-line credit card processing".
Updated LimoWiz program components to latest version including various fixes.
Updated new LimoWiz Editor to version 1.8. Handles spell checking.
LimoWiz 11.5.7 -
August 3, 2012
Driver Expense Report update to include manual payroll items in the driver's
Total Pay column.
Updated Settle to set driver rate correctly in certain situations.
Tweaked the Duplicate trip button to warn about possible duplicates found and
give the option to continue with duplication.
LimoWiz 11.5.3 -
June 25, 2012
CRITICAL FIX: Service Type selection did not update trip rate
when the Flip button was clicked to reverse the Trip Zone.
LimoWiz Editor Update: Spell checking via F7 hot key and
it also checks spelling as you type. US English dictionary only.


LimoWiz 11.5.2 -
June 21, 2012
NEW: Major Update to the LimoWiz Editor program which replaces the old HTML Editor and the use of
WordPad. This program is feature rich and allows you to create and edit HTML and RTF
documents and it also knows the LimoWiz data folder that is set in LimoWiz.
Updated confirmation email.
LimoWiz 11.3.8 -
April 24, 2012
LimoWiz 11.3.7 -
April 11, 2012
Credit card profile can have multiple email addresses separated by a semicolon
Email address field length has been increased from 60 characters to 120.
Phone number format can now be selected in the
Settings, Application tab page. You can select a hyphen (-), dot (.) of free
form. You type the phone without any formatting and LimoWiz will format
the text when you tab out of the field. For example: enter 555666777, it will
become 555-666-7777.
Correction in Account Payment Report.
Multi-Trip payment by credit card now
correctly handles special characters like
& in card holder's data.
Reduced program size.
LimoWiz 11.3.4 -
January 18, 2012
Reduced backup file size if using the LimoWiz email engine.
Number if email sent reduced when sending to multiple recipients.
New: prompt to send email confirmation when you pay a trip with a non credit card
Dispatch window will remember last split screen mode status.
LimoWiz 11.3.3 -
January 10, 2012
Increase Auth/Check Number length in payments files.
When sending "Thank you" email, LimoWiz was prompting to send charges even though
it was applicable. Fixed.
Various other fixes and improvements