Credit Card Processing - Done Right!

LimoWiz integration is certified to work with the following payment gateways.

 The credit processing companies listed below will deposit your settled batch into your company's preferred bank account. No need to switch banks!  They also provide a web Virtual Terminal for manual credit card processing. The credit card discount rates and processing fees are handled by the merchant processing company.

Credit Card Processing Company Phone Supported Countries
Fiserv Cardpointe Gateway Sign-Up Now 877-948-9733  x 1  (Sales)

Merchant Support and Cardpointe gatway support
For proper integration, mention LimoWiz.
It is recommended to use the Sign-Up Form Here.
Payment Logistics 888-572-9564 x 1403 USA

How it works:

 LimoWiz CC Process

LimoWiz sends a credit card transaction to the secured payment gateway, and within a second reports back whether the transaction is approved or declined. If approved, LimoWiz records the payment and prompts you if you wish to email a payment confirmation to card holder.  The payment gateway later batches all credit card transactions processed throughout the day and deposits the sale into your business bank account usually within 24. Once your merchant account is approved and ready for integration, the merchant processing company will email you instructions on how to obtain your gateway credentials to save into LimoWiz. Now you are ready to process credit cards directly from LimoWiz.

Advantages of LimoWiz Credit Card Integration:

  1. Instantaneous credit card number verification during input with optional pre-authorization to guarantee funds.
  2. Tokenization of credit card numbers to protect sensitive card holder data.
  3. Encryption of all credit cards stored in LimoWiz data bases to ensure compliance with credit card standards.
  4. Securely perform various types of credit card transactions: Sale, pre authorize, post authorize, void a sale, and issue credit.
  5. Get instant result of the address verification whether customer billing address and zip code are correct. Passing correct billing address will guarantee the lowest discount rates.
  6. Process a "Sale" for one trip or multiple trips using one single credit card transaction which will save you card transaction fees.
  7. Uses your Internet connection. No phone lines required. Get rid of that expensive terminal.
  8. Email receipts upon credit card transaction approval.
  9. Easy online account setup and configuration.
  10. Online merchant account access to review or search submitted transactions.
  11. You can access it from anywhere and process credit using their Virtual Terminal, if needed.
  12. Batch auto close a certain specified time of the day.
  13. Get daily email of batch totals.



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