LimoWiz 11.3.2 -
December 23, 2011
LimoWiz 11.3.1 -
December 9, 2011
NEW: A new Update CC (Credit Card) Exp Date
button is added to trip payment window (Bottom Right). This feature allows you to
update a credit card expiration date for a selected payment entry which has already been
recorded, and especially if you need to issue a Refund for a credit card that has expired.
Driver SMS was including CAR # twice.
LimoWiz 11.3.0 -
December 1, 2011
NEW: Export email addresses from the dispatch window. You can find this option under
the Email menu button at bottom right of dispatch window. The exported email
addresses are retrieved based on the Email Confirm To drop down list or the
Alternate Email Address field. You select to export the email addresses as: one email address per line or email addresses separated by commas.
Sending email to vehicles now uses the same format as sending SMS messages to drivers.
LimoWiz 11.2.2 -
November 17, 2011
LimoWiz 11.2.1 -
October 21, 2011
Improved the dispatch window resizing so it fits properly on various display
The dispatch window will now always display in split mode when first opened: trips on top
part and routing on bottom part of the window.
Account list window will resize display if window is made larger.
Drivers Que List now displays the driver's first and last name, along with the
driver number.
Fixed: Luggage entry field tabbing sequence on the trip window.
Added driver labels report for the UK market.
Tab key sequence in trip window fixed.
LimoWiz 11.0.7 -
October 3, 2011
LimoWiz 11.0.4 -
July 20, 2011
Add option to force data files update and repair from inside LimoWiz.
Implemented a fix
when saving trips.
Added "Fix File Path" button on Terms and Condition tab and HTML Terms tab in
the LimoWiz settings. This is needed if LimoWiz Network version is moved from an
old server to a new server and the path information is not the same as the old
server. This will ensure that files are found and loaded correctly when emailing
or printing reports.
Corrected the Tab key and Enter key movement on trip window to go to proper data
entry fields.
Removed Red color for discount text on html invoices.
LimoWiz 11.0.2 -
July 5, 2011
Confirmation email messages can now be sent to two or more
recipients from the dispatch window or trip window by separating an email
address by a semi colon. For example: under the account profile, enter two email
addresses in the email address field and separate them by a ; (semi-colon).
Please note that this feature is only available for email messages sent from the dispatch
window or trip window.
Quickly find last active accounts by range of dates. To reset list, close and
re-open window. See the following images:


LimoWiz 11.0.1 -
June 2, 2011
Official PCI Compliant version of LimoWiz released. All users MUST download this
All users must download this version to ensure compliance with credit card
security standards.
On certain versions of Windows, important data files attributes were changed to
hidden by the operating system thus causing various issues to program updates
and backup. Now LimoWiz checks and updates the attribute to "Normal".
LimoWiz 10.8.3 -
June 1, 2011
Installation program fix for installing LimoWiz other hard drives other than
drive C:
Account Sales Report (under Reports menu, Account Reports) has a new check box
to hide accounts with zero trip count.
LimoWiz 10.8.0 -
May 16, 2011
Tax/HST/VAT ID: now prints on multi-trip and single trip
invoices if entered on Billing tab under LimoWiz Settings. The Tax Field Name
must be set under the second Trip Settings tab under the LimoWiz Settings.
Fixed: Pay Method was not being saved when making
multi-trip payments in A/R window such as Company Check, Cash, etc. Credit
Card Transactions were not affected.
Improved the speed of dispatch graph by vehicle.
Fixed multi-trip credit card payment Email.
Fixed multi-trip PAID statement/invoice report printing of Total Charges.
Improved Trip Window design and layout.
LimoWiz 10.7.4 -
April 29, 2011
NEW: You can change the Font style and size of the dispatch window. See Dispatch
tab under the Settings. You need to manually adjust columns width if font is
changed to larger size.
Fixed: Inactive driver were included in available drivers list in the Drivers Que list on the Dispatch window.
Various internal
fixes and improvements to ensure data integrity and reduced size.
Improved Dispatch Window with instantaneous display
of trips.
Added warning when multiple trips are tagged and you want to change the trip status.
LimoWiz 10.6.1 -
March 9, 2011
NEW: You can change the
Trip Type (Category) foreground and background colors when displayed on the Dispatch window. See Browse menu, Trip Types List.
NEW: Login window now displays news feed from
to keep you up-to-date.
LimoWiz 10.5.9 -
February 1, 2011
Service Type selection stopped working on Dispatch window in
version 10.5.8.
NEW: Print routing line on confirmation only button. See Routing
NEW: Payroll
Summary Report with driver information and Total Pay only; no trip details. So,
only one page prints per driver.

LimoWiz 10.5.8 -
January 24, 2011
NEW: Export Email Addresses for account list, passengers,
account contacts and drivers. This feature allows you to export the email
addresses to a text file with the option for email addresses separator to be a
semicolon or to have one email address per line in the exported file. See Export
Emails button on the account list for example. We suggest using a web
based email marketing service if you are sending a large number of email messages to
your clients to avoid being blocked by your internet service provider.
LimoWiz 10.5.7 -
January 6, 2011
Added credit card expiration date check before credit card is sent for
Fixed an error introduced in 10.5.6 while paying multiple tagged trips.
Added Email button to call back list