LimoWiz 10.0.25 - Dec 29, 2009
LimoWiz 10.0.23 - Dec 14, 2009 - Critical Update.
Account and Passenger Private and Ticket notes are now 100 characters
long instead of 40.
Callback notes and result fields are now 900 characters long instead of 300.
Trip notes field is now 900 characters long instead of 300.
Added account, passenger and contact phone numbers to emailed confirmations.
Improved Trip Pay and Multi-Trip Pay window:
New: "Turn OFF Credit Processing" checkbox on trip pay window to temporarily
turn off credit card processing when you have off-line authorization code. (Trip
Pay Window Only)
New colored boxes for better readability and design.
Program setup program now will detect if a Windows user is not administrator and
will prompt of the administrator login to continue installation. This is necessary
so that program components are installed and registered correctly under Windows.
LimoWiz 10.0.22 - Dec 5, 2009 - Critical Update.
Addresses some issues credit card processing issues using MerchantWare Gateway.
It also uses a new XML engine to parse the authorization result. Faster and more
Updated various reports to fit the larger account number display.
New Custom Trip print a note box that you can customize.

Improved Multi-Trip Pay window.
LimoWiz 10.0.19 - Nov 30, 2009
LimoWiz 10.0.17 - Nov 21, 2009
Fixed an issue with saving account credit cards.
Trips settled and paid now cannot be changed. A Red text will notify user of this
If a change is necessary, trip must be unsettled first
using the Settle window by clearing the
Settled By field, then click Save button.
Fixes some issues on Trip Pay Window and Multi-Trip Pay window when using MerchantWare
Gateway and improves the status window. Also handles international postal codes
to avoid credit card decline.
The Account Number field length has been increased from 10 to 15 characters.
LimoWiz 10.0.8 - Nov 4, 2009
The credit card setup windows has been improved. If you are processing credit cards
from LimoWiz, please make sure you select the correct credit card processing company
that you are using. See File menu, Credit Account Setup,

Contains new Merchant Warehouse Gateway Interface for processing credit cards.
New: Sort By Trip Number check box on A/R (Multi-Trip Pay window):
All PDF documents documents created are saved in a sub folder in the limowiz2000
folder. If you using the network version, the PDF folder will be in the server.
LimoWiz 9.9.23 - October 16, 2009
Introduced a new update method to insure data is updated when LimoWiz starts.
Fixed an issue when you have a rated calculated based on mileage, the rate was changed
to 0.00 if hourly was 0.00.
Now rate is calculated correctly.
LimoWiz 9.9.20 - October 5, 2009
Calculation of hourly charge after minimum fix.
Improvements in credit card handling.
Updated reports.
Trip Numbers are now are 8 digits long to avoid conflict with the upcoming LimoWizOnline
(web reservations).
LimoWiz 9.9.16 - July 28, 2009
LimoWiz 9.9.14 - June 25, 2009
LimoWiz 9.9.12 - May 14, 2009
Update to include three (3) decimal digits for the tax rate percentage.
This is added to conform to New York State tax rate. See:
For updates on this tax requirement, visit
and do a search on the word limousine.
Updated the Tax Report by Date to fix alignment of grand totals into proper columns
on last page.
Corrects an issue with expired LimoWiz license which few users experienced.
To set tax percentage calculation criteria or activate the County Tax, see the following

If certain customers are not taxable, you need to edit their profile and click the
Rate Settings tab and click Non Taxable checkbox
LimoWiz 9.9.7 - April 23, 2009
LimoWiz 9.9.6 - April 14, 2009
LimoWiz 9.9.5 - April 1, 2009
Corrects an error when tagged trip payment issue from multi-trip A/R window.
Mapped network path was not working correctly if a backslash was the included, for
example: Z:\
Round trip was not carrying over credit card info. Now you will get a prompt.
LimoWiz 9.9.3 - March 24, 2009
SMS Messages now include the day and date of the trip.
For example: Trip #1000009 Tuesday 03/24/2009
New behavior: If you're adding a trip and you do not know which account a passenger
belongs to, you can leave the account number blank, type the passenger last name
in the Last Name field, then click the magnifier button (Zoom) next to it ; this
displays the list of the passengers of all accounts. LimoWiz will do a quick search
to the closest match. Click the correct passenger, then double click it or click
the Select button to populate the trip window. The account number and passenger
last name and first name will be filled in.
The dispatch graph was truncating the times header. This is fixed, plus now you
have the option to set the Days Ahead to process future days on the graph.
LimoWiz 9.9.2 - March 20, 2009
Fixed an issue with rate calculation when hours and miles used together.
Multi-trip pay via credit card not recording auth number and trans ID. This is fixed.
All payroll reports have been updated to not print trips marked as paid on trip
settle window.
To force those trips to print, you need to click the Print Trips Marked as Paid.
Fixed credit payment template. Was not printing correct names for PICK_NAME and
DROP_NAME template fields.
Luggage count was printing on SMS messages even when count was zero. Fixed.
Other internal fixes and internal improvements.
LimoWiz 9.8.7b - Feb 21, 2009 ( b Version )
Makes LimoWiz Credit Card Standards compliant which set forth by credit card processing
companies in encrypting credit card information and only storing needed information
to process credit card from LimoWiz. If you use Authorize.NET gateway or PC Charge,
you MUST download and install this update to ensure compliance with .
LimoWiz will no longer store the credit card's Card Code (CVV 2) in anyway.
The CVV 2 number is not required and it does not have any effect on the discount
rates being charged.
The billing street address with zip/postal code however affects the rates
Enhances Multi-Trip Pay window. It now disables the non-credit card pay buttons
if you're using PC Charge Pro or Authorize.NET and you select a credit card from
the drop down list.
Added "Optional" Credit Card Code field to single trip pay window and
multi trip window. This code, as per PCI regulations, will NOT be saved.
Removed "Expiration Date" from printed credit card receipts.
LimoWiz 9.8.4 - Feb 14, 2009
NEW: Added new condensed multi-trip invoice to Billing window.
It prints only the TOTAL DUE of the trip in charges column.
NEW: Added MILES and MILES PER HOUR to trip charges on single and multi-tip invoices.
NEW: Added option to Print account commission on trip charges on Single Trips invoices.
To turn on this feature, see Settings, Billing tab, and click the Print Acct/Subco
Commission on Single Trip Invoice.
Fixed zero trip count zero that's printed on dispatch sheet report when one was
LimoWiz 9.8.2 - Jan 16, 2009
NEW: Hide Total Due on dispatch window restriction option added to user setup window.
See Tools menu, LimoWiz User Setup.
NEW: new mailing label report for the United Kingdom that A4 paper size.
Paper size must be set to A4 and "Use Metric" must be select on Application
tab page in the LimoWiz Settings.
Miles In input field now is before Miles Out on settle window.
Various internal enhancements.
LimoWiz 9.8.1 - November 17, 2008
NEW: LimoWiz email engine now supports SSL (Secure Socket Layer) for secure email
See Settings, Email Account tab page. To be used only if required by your Internet
Service Provider (ISP) or the SMTP server. Below is a sample using Gmail SMTP mail
server with a fake email address. Notice the Red arrows.

LimoWiz 9.8 - November 5, 2008
Fix: Double click button on Vehicles List windows (at bottom of dispatch window)
to assign driver on Dispatch Window was causing an error.
Fix: When drivers list was opened and inactive drivers checkbox was already selected,
inactive drivers were listed.
LimoWiz 9.7.9 - October 23, 2008
Fix: Trip Tickets did not print number passengers.
Updated installation setup program. Fixed a screen drawing issue.
LimoWiz 9.7.7 - October 8, 2008
NEW: Display OUT OF STATE Column on dispatch window. To turn on see Dispatch in
Settings window.
NEW: service type can have rates based on day of week. For example: Friday may have
$600.00 charge.
To setup see Service Type and Hourly Rates under Browse menu.
Only activated when the "Based on Day of Week" checkbox is ticked on trip
Various reports have been updated to not print luggage count when zero value is
Program components have been updated to latest.
LimoWiz 9.7.6 - August 13, 2008
Inactive Drivers no longer display in drivers list.
Fixed "Auto Route Line" in routing window was appearing twice for passengers.
LimoWiz 9.7.5 - August 8, 2008
If Luggage count is 0, it will not appear on confirmations.
Fixed an issue due to a side effect where AMEX was card type in credit card profile
and it did not show. LimoWiz will automatically fix with AMERICAN EXPRESS when credit
is viewed.
When directions are blank and you update account or passenger address, a warning
came to update direction. Now it will warn you only if there are directions on file.
Addressed some issues when paying multiple trips from the A/R window. In some cases
the pay method was incorrectly set.
If you click the Pay All button on A/R window, LimoWiz also records a"TRANS"
record of the "total" full paid amount.
This is only for informational purposes. It does not affect reports.
For example: you are received a check of $1400.00 and you are paying 5 trips, LimoWiz
will pay each trip total due, then it records the "TRANS" record of $1400.00
Trip Window:
Displays a warning when enter a rate per hour different than the Rate After Minimum
for a certain service type.
LimoWiz 9.7.3 - July 31, 2008
Addresses an issue with email driver PDF trip tickets from the dispatch window.
Account paid, unpaid report was including trips marked with X (canceled non billable).
Now fixed.
LimoWiz 9.7.2 - July 28, 2008
Audit feature is back. To turn on, see Application tab page under the Settings.
Audit Feature:
LimoWiz 9.7.2 and above has an "Audit" feature to track user changes to
trips like what fields were updated, deleted.
This Audit file thus can grow very big, thus we added the warning when the number
of records reaches a certain number of records.
To clear the records, you go the Browse menu, choose Audit, enterer the starting
and ending dates and click Delete button.
To go back the performance, you MUST Index and
PACK from the File menu! This is extremely
In past versions of LimoWiz, the Audit feature was on by default, now it is off.
You can turn it on in the Settings, Application tab page and set the number of records
to warn you about.
Simpler PDF configuration. All you have to do is BullZip PDF Printer (link
above). LimoWiz handles the rest of the configuration automatically! The latest
stable version of the above PDF printer can be found at
Vastly improved Payment Reports.
NEW: option to display trips on Dispatch window, most recent first (descending order)
via a click of the mouse.

NEW: option to pay multi-trips by passenger of an account, also populating account
and passenger credit cards in the cards list so you can use one to pay trips with.
Fixed an issue where when adding credit numbers, the wrong card was listed in the
credits browser window.
Added new security option under the User Profile:

NEW: Added to the following to driver's profile: CDL checkbox, CDL Medical Expiration
Date, Last Drug Test Date.
NEW: Added # of Luggage Pieces to reservation window. This prints on trip tickets,
dispatch sheets, and included in email to customers and driver's SMS.
NEW: Added a new find trips by Account Contact (Reserved By) option to the Find
icon on top toolbar.

Additional minor issues addressed.
LimoWiz 9.6.5e - Date: June 18, 2008:
Fixed a rare situation when service type related settings like hourly rates and
contract rates did not display on trip window.
Updated the trip purge (delete) procedure to avoid an endless loop and delete all
related trip information.
Misc minor changes.
LimoWiz 9.6.3 - Date: May 20, 2008:
Added "COLLECT" to Pay Methods drop down list on trip window (bottom right).
Fixed an issue where pay methods were not correctly reflected in payments list.
This affected payments reports.
LimoWiz 9.6.1 - Date: May 15, 2008:
Ensure trips are correctly written to hard disk. Critical!
Fixed issue with printing trip ticket immediately after adding new trip.
Added payment transaction time to when posting payments.
Added a warning message box on top of dispatch window when a date blocked or has
an additional charge.
This info is retrieved from the Calendar and Holiday Dates list under the Browse
Fixed an issue where the RTF Editor button on Terms and Condition tab page under
the Settings did open an RTF file when there are spaces in the file name.
LimoWiz 9.6 - Date: May 5, 2008:
Speed up some operation in LimoWiz in retrieving data.
On-the-fly compression of email that is sent using the LimoWiz email engine.
Size reduced by over a third.
Fixed several issues reported by users in some reports and program.
User defined logo (image) now appears correctly when sending HTML email.
Added a warning when contract wait/time and over/time are about to change because
of trip zone change.
Account commission calculation can be configured under the account edit window.
Also the % and amount can be changed on trip window.
Pay method on payment window now correctly sets the proper code such as CA for CASH
and CC for AMEX, etc.
LimoWiz 9.5.3g2:
Fixed some issues with Post Auth, Issue Credit and Void on trip window when using
NEW: Settlement Note on trip settle window. 100 Characters maximum.
Fixed retrieval of driver payroll settings if driver was already assigned and trip
not settled yet.
Added: Recalculate Driver's Total Pay on Settle Window to ensure driver Total Pay
is correct. Option found under Tools menu.
LimoWiz 9.5.3e:
Corrects some issues contract dates on trip window.
LimoWiz 9.5.3d:
Corrects some minor issues and Sales Contact Pay on trip window.
LimoWiz 9.5.3c:
Corrects some issues with multi-trip pay window when amount paid is less than total
Also, fixes non printing of Discount label in trip charges.
LimoWiz 9.5 Update History (Major Version)
NEW: Fax using any paid Internet Fax Service like eFax, Ring Central Fax, etc.
This is used in combination of PDF engine and email settings. See Fax tab page under
IMPROVEMENT: Simplified Email Menu on Dispatch window. Reduced number of menu items.
Fixed a few issues with Driver email via PDF.
Fixed duplicate MASTER User ID records under users setup.
NEW: Add multiple merchant accounts to Credit Card Account Setup. This is excellent
if you have several limousine companies active within LimoWiz.
NEW: Trip Settle screen has a new field of Our Company Pay. Used when farming out
trips and you want to record your income. The amount is added to Yearly Sales Revenue
NEW: Total Pay on settled window is now a field in the reservation database whose
value is calculated and saved.
IMPROVMENT: Email Database compression and removing deleting records. Will be done
when using Index Data Files under File menu.
LimoWiz MailBox now shows attachment line when a message is opened and it can be
opened by the default program. For example: PDF attachment can be opened via Adobe
NEW: Color coding of car numbers on dispatch window. Each car can have its own color
by modifying car profile.
New Drivers Payroll Report for (all drivers) by a range of dates.
NEW: Discount field name can be changed. Prints on all reports.
NEW: "Use Account Address as Billing Address" prompt when adding account
contact credit card information.
NEW: Aging Report now has Account Name column ( Either Company Name or First Name
+ Last Name).
NEW: Added Flat Rate field to driver's payroll settings which is retrieved when
you assign a driver on Settle Window.
IMPROVEMENT: Adjustment of BILL TO address on single and multi-trip invoices so
they fit properly in window envelopes.
NEW: Added several options to select which trip fields are included in the driver
SMS message sent via email.
See Email Account tab under Settings:
IMPROVEMENT: Added records navigation toolbar (First, Previous, Next, Last record
icons) to MailBox database.
NEW: Export data to CSV (Comma Separated Values). For example: you can export all
the EMAIL ADDRESS fields under the account data base to CVS file that can be then
imported by mailing list manager. This works from the right click pop up menu on
any data grid listing. Example:
IMPROVEMENT: Company name added to Sales Contact Payroll Report.
NEW: Service Type may a maximum passenger capacity and price per passenger. This
checked when adding editing trips. Trip charges will updated automatically if passenger
count is 1 or above.
LimoWiz 9.36b:
- Fixed trip date issue where pop up calendar default to today's date.
This occurred on trip window and dispatch window. Now it goes to the date that already
- Intra/Inter miles for PUC reported have increased in size to allow large numbers.
Also Miles window shows totals when going back to previously entered miles data.
- Updated Billing Window to fix some issues with billing and improve travel agent/subcontractor
account commission zero out.
LimoWiz 9.34:
- Fixes an issue with assigning drivers on dispatch window.
- Updated E-Fax support via email. Make sure the sending email address account is
what you have set up with E-Fax otherwise fax will not be sent.
- Updated dispatch window so it is maximized, the screen is drawn properly.
- Updated multi-trip billing window.
- LimoWiz now supports a new PDF creator engine called BullZip.
This version is compatible with Vista and XP. This is recommended over PDF Creator.
It is also very fast.
- Updated various option in Settings.
- Updated subcontractor ticket to print truncated information.
- News Billing Option: Use Days Aging when computing current charges. LimoWiz by default
uses Month by Month Aging calculation method.
LimoWiz 9.29:
- Updated PC Charge Pro interface. (However, we recommend Authorize.NET to avoid
PC Charge Pro issues)
- Added a Condensed Multi-Trip Invoice in landscape format which adds the trip Reference
LimoWiz 9.28:
- Updated setup program.
- Added a checked on program startup if indexes become out of sync due to improper
shut down of computer because of power outage or computer issues.
- Payments line was not showing on trip window. Fixed.
- Updated mail engine to reduce chances of email flagged as spam.
- Updated LimoWiz main components to latest version to provide even more stability
and performance.
LimoWiz 9.25:
- Tooltip on dispatch on dispatch were truncated in a previous update. Fixed.
- Added Drop Off Time to Driver SMS email.
LimoWiz 9.23:
- Alternate field names for Pick-Up Date and Drop-Off were not used in plain text
email. Now they are.
- Additional minor issues addressed.
- New "Hire Contract" for the United Kingdom. See Print menu.
- Fixed assignment of driver and vehicles on dispatch window. Occurred in LimoWiz
9.22. Record change was not immediately visible. .
LimoWiz 9.21:
- Fixed printing of automatic credit card receipt when more than one payment is
made towards a certain trip.
- Fixed payroll print when only "Manual Payroll Items" are found.
LimoWiz 9.20:
- Force Auth and Print CC Receipt.
- Saving of Misc Charges in certain situation.
LimoWiz 9.19:
- Fixed printing of 2nd blank page on contracts.
- Fixed gratuity and discount calculation on trip window when gratuity is computed
after applying discount %.
LimoWiz 9.17:
- Fixed an error on Settle window.
LimoWiz 9.16:
- Fixed billing when using Voucher Billing. Some trips were not printing.
- Fixed paying trip from A/R window when not using real time credit card sales.
The payment - description was not reflected correctly.
- Uses latest compiler technology.
LimoWiz 9.14:
- Fixes manual gratuity input.
- Accounts Payable contact phone number formatting added.
LimoWiz 9.13:
- This should eliminate any numeric rounding issues due to the complex mathematical
computations. LimoWiz now does NOT do any rounding of numbers.
LimoWiz 9.1g:
- Fixes detailed payments and some credit card encryption issues and printing of
credit card receipts.
LimoWiz 9.1:
- Fixes the Detailed Payment report and printing of credit card on trip tickets.