The latest update is cumulative which means it includes all previous updates.
You can download the latest version from
members center. Active subscription is required.
We always welcome your suggestions and feedback.
LimoWiz 25.03.08 March 8, 2025
- Update internal issue when running report scripts which prevented report from loading.
- Auxiliary field name now populates correctly on email.
- Minor fixes and improvements.
LimoWiz 25.02.07 Feb 7, 2025
- Determine credit card type such AMEX, VISA, etc when processing credit cards.
- Enhanced credit card tokenization.
- Update various components.
LimoWiz 25.01.21 Jan 22, 2025
- Add CutePDF Writer FREE support. To use, set the PDF Printer Driver in the Settings, App tab. Click here download to CutePDF here, then install.
- LimoWiz now supports Bullzip and CutePDF printer drivers.
- Resolved issue in billing when checking for accounts with negative balance.
- Speed up multi-trip invoices generation.
- Update various components.
LimoWiz 25.01.09 Dec 9, 2025
- Update confirmation email templates to proper case the passenger's name. It was all capitalized like JOHN DOE. Now, it will be John Doe.
- Directions button now available to all users to see view street directions via Google maps. See dispatch window and routing window.
- Update the credit card Void functionality.
- Various fixes and improvements.
LimoWiz 24.10.11 Oct 11, 2024
- New: Now you can have an alternate name for the Service Fee field. See Settings, Calculations tab.
- Optimized code and updated several components to their latest versions to provide stability.
LimoWiz 24.09.17 Sep 17, 2024
- New: Payments Browser, add search payments by Trans Date. See video:
- Payments browser: Fix search transactions by credit card number and other issues
- Update mapping links and remove old links.
- Update BullZip PDF Printer driver. Download from members page.
- Update LimoWiz to latest components and Microsoft framework.
LimoWiz 24.09.02 Sep 02, 2024
- Fixed credit card processing email confirmations.
- Fixed saving sent email when using LimoWiz email engine.
- Various improvements and optimizations.
LimoWiz 24.08.02 August 2, 2024
- Fix: deleting an account was not removing associated credit card.
- New: multiple account contacts can be deleted in one step by highlighting records you wish to delete.
LimoWiz 24.07.18 July 19, 2024
- Update flight info window on routing page.
- Fix some runtime exceptions and make sure a routing line is selected before doing certain operations.
- Update PDF printing engine.
- Update LimoWiz components to their latest versions.
LimoWiz 24.07.04 July 3, 2024
- Add checkbox: Print only Gratuity, Trip Total, Deposit, Total Due and Pay Method on Trip Ticket. See Settings. Trip Settings tab 1.
- Add checkbox "No Service Fee" when adding trips to Account profile. See Fees tab under the account profile you want to activate this option for.
- Update PDF printing engine.
- Update LimoWiz components to their latest versions.
LimoWiz 24.06.21 June 24, 2024
This updates resolves an issue with saving email address in CC gateway setup.
- New: Add option to send merchant notification via email for successful credit card transactions.
You will get an email with a subject line like: Notification: Credit Card Payment Confirmation for #20000017
See Credit Card Gateway Setup and enter your email address as shown in the image below:
- Cleaned up code no longer in use.
- Update LimoWiz components to their latest versions.
LimoWiz 24.05.06 May 31, 2024
- Add an option to LimoWiz Driver Mobile App Sync Utility to update only a "D" column to indicate a driver accepted a trip and will not does not update trip status. This option is off by default and should not be enabled unless you need this option. See Settings, Add-Ons tab.
- Update LimoWiz components to their latest versions.
LimoWiz 24.05.06 May 6, 2024
- Fix parsing of flight info on routing window.
- Update LimoWiz components to their latest versions.
LimoWiz 24.02.08 Feb 8, 2024
- Add option to include a Price Quote email to include a custom header. See Settings, HTML Terms.
- Fix Pay Method in some cases was not printing on reports.
- Update Issue Credit button issue.
- Various improvements and design layout.
- Update various components to their latest versions.
LimoWiz 23.12.14 Dec 14, 2023
- Officially remove TSYS (Cayan), BluePay, Direct Connect.
LimoWiz 23.11.17 Nov 8, 2023
- Clover Connect Gateway credit card payment integration for secure and tokenized credit card processing.
Sign-Up Now.
- Removed Cayan (TSYS/Global Payment/MerchantWare) gateway which is now no longer supported and will be removed completed by Nov 30, 2023. Sign-Up with Clover Connect instead.
- If you use Blue Pay payment gateway, Card Connect acquired it and you need to ask them in the form comments to convert your account. Sign-Up Now with Clover Connect.
- Updated mobile driver app Push Notification feature.
- Fixed restoring deleted trip when reservations table is very large. Now it is instantaneous.
- Updated email handling for multiple trips using the LimoWiz email engine.
- Update A/R window to improve handling Pay Amount and moved Fill Pay Amount with Total Due button to avoid clicking it by mistake.
- Updated Single Trip Invoice to include TAX/GST ID on top right of invoice.
- Updated trip confirmtion email to include pay method and partial cc info.
- Various fixes and improvements.
LimoWiz 23.09.20- Sep 20, 2023
- Various fixes and improvements to various screens. Flight Information handling.
- Grid right click menu updated: Added Copy Cell Value option which allows you to copy the selected value in Windows clipboard, then you may paste it to another input control.
LimoWiz 23.08.12- Aug 12, 2023
- Various fixes and improvements to various screens.
- Update Request for Final Charges Report.
- Updated all components to their latest versions which include fixes and improvements.
LimoWiz 23.06.29- June 6, 2023
- Add Carry-On luggage text box on reservation screen, and update all reports and email templates with new this new option.
- All all email templates format so that they can be displayed and viewed easily on desktop and mobile devices.
- Updated all components to their latest versions.
LimoWiz 23.05.22 - May 22, 2023
- Add a checkbox to dispatch window to email Price Quote. So now you can tag (select) multiple trips and send saved price quotes.
- Add the option to specify the number of days prior to automatically confirm a reservation when using the Automation feature.
- Update to latest components.
LimoWiz 23.04.23 - April 23, 2023
- Fix CSV Export load file dialog. Path now points to LimoWiz data folder instead of what Windows had cached.
- Print Name Sign now auto scales the fonts to fit the text length. Also the Welcome message will not print if it is blank. To update the Welcome message text, see: Settings, Report Terms tab.
- Fix and optimize the email Resend and Forward options when using the LimoWiz Email Engine.
- Fix Record Lock was not released on opening a trip window when a user restriction was triggered.
- Fix time formatting and validation on duplicate trip dialog.
- Add option to clear routing lines time column when making a round trip. See Settings - Trips tab 1.
- Auto pre-trip confirmation now correctly adds SYSTEM, i.e. LimoWiz in the C column on the Dispatch Window.
- Email options (checkboxes) "Exclude Assigned Driver", and "Exclude Assigned Vehicle" are now saved automatically (remembered) when sending email confirmations.
- Various fixes and improvements in the design of windows.
LimoWiz 23.01.26 - Jan 26, 2023
- Update dispatch refresh method to so that current row position is maintained.
- Add "After Trip Thank You" email template option so that you can create your own if desired.
- Removed border around the header section of the "After Trip Thank You" email template.
- If the "Out Of State" column is visible on the dispatch window, it can be double clicked and toggled to Y or N.
LimoWiz 23.1.9 - Jan 9, 2023
- Fix missing account number when adding an account and clicking a related button such as credit card button.
- Update several components to their latest versions.
LimoWiz 22.12.28 - Dec 28, 2022
- Fix an issue where the subject was not reset after sending subcontractor trip ticket thus affecting other emails.
LimoWiz 22.12.16 - Dec 16, 2022
- Fix issue with cancelled email footer formatting.
- Updated components to their latest versions.
- Update handling of multiple Limo ID (Company ID) detailed aging report.
LimoWiz 22.11.29 - Nov 29, 2022
- Add email connection verbose option to provide more details on email server connection issues. The result can be then sent to use to help you correct the issue. This is off by default, but can be turned on the Email Account tab in the Settings. This does not apply to Microsoft Outlook.
- Update reports handling and parsing of information to more efficient methods.
- Update email handling of HTML email.
- Update and speed up Google Maps AutoComplete handling.
- Update contracts printing
- Add record navigation Toolbar to top dispatch window to go to next record, previous, first record or last record.
- Updated email components to address the Office365 TLS email issues due to Microsoft changes.
LimoWiz 22.10.21 - Oct 21, 2022
- The driver option Exclude Trip Charges now work email and mobile driver app.
- Printing to Email from trip ticket window to various format to point to correct reservation.
- Update dispatch window to show colors correctly when the trip row is highlighted.
- Enhance memory management.
- Various other tweaks.
LimoWiz 22.10.3 - Oct 3, 2022
- Update trip contracts. Now you can disable printing contact/reserved phone numbers. See Settings, Report Terms tab.
- Update various components to their latest versions which may include fixes and speed improvements.
- Optimize trip window display when PC is low on memory.
- Listings now expand to window size when a window is made larger; This allows you to see more data records (rows) on screen.
- Service Fee percentage is now loaded from settings (Calculations tab) to when you add a new trip.
- Get correct email address when emailing (printing to PDF, etc) multiple trips reports.
LimoWiz 22.8.29 - August 29, 2022
- We now "digitally sign" LimoWiz executables to ensure safety and security of program files.
- Improve multi-trip billing when there are multiple Limo IDs per company.
- Add optional Service Fee percentage on entire Trip Total. May be used for credit card fees. Configure percentage in program Settings / Calculations tab.
- Fix mark trip as "Emailed" status on trip window when using Microsoft Outlook as an email client.
- New and improved Microsoft Outlook integration.
- Improve backup utility.
- Use latest components for reports and PDF handling.
LimoWiz 22.7.27 - July 27, 2022
- Fix: Index and Pack process was not packing (shrinking) data tables.
- Optimize installation program especially for network version workstation setup.
- Fix Prev, Next and Today buttons when using the various hide trips options on dispatch window. Update flight arrival (ETA button) to point to a newer link.
- Add warning if payment Trans Date is blank.
- Update single trip invoice to print billing address in the correct location and suppress printing of wait/hour and overtime/hour when they are not set.
- Update email engine to latest version.
- Optimize reservations file indexes. Reduced size.
- Added an option to hide Cancelled Non-Billable trips. See option on top left corner of dispatch window. To have this option on by default, see Settings, Dispatch tab. This is only available when listing trips by a range of dates.
- Added option to display dispatch grid by a Start Time, with a CT button to insert the current time and Apply button to filter the trips accordingly. See bottom left of dispatch window. This is only available when listing trips by a range of dates.
- Remove blinking time feature on the dispatch grid due to its effect on performance.
- Update LimoWiz components to their latest versions.
- Update installation program.
LimoWiz 22.1.0 - May 26, 2022
- Update LimoWiz installer app.
- Add option to hide Reference # on Dispatch window. See Settings, Dispatch tab page.
LimoWiz 22.0.9 - May 14, 2022
- Add options to hide certain columns on the dispatch grid such as: VIP, Account Notes, and Passenger Notes. See Settings Dispatch tab.
- Fix tabbing sequence among controls (text boxes, etc) on some windows.
- Add option: Show TIP (Gratuity) on trip charges even if TIP is 0.00. See Settings, Trip 1 tab page.
- LimoWiz now uses the Microsoft Webview 2 runtime to handle web pages instead of the deprecated Internet Explorer web browser control.
- Update the handling of pre-trip confirmation email and after-trip thank email .
- Updated the layout of some windows.
- Updated components to their latest versions.
LimoWiz 22.0.3 - April 15, 2022
- Option to include Vehicle Information on email confirmations. This includes car make, model, color and license plate number.
- Various updates to refine Settings window; better arrangement.
LimoWiz 22.0.1 - March 29, 2022
- Add driver's payroll option to calculate commission on Gas Surcharge Amount. See payroll settings in driver's profile.
- Improve several windows layout and help information.
LimoWiz 21.9.8 - March 3, 2022
- Update Outlook email embedded images (logo and driver pic)
- Update including attachements in Outlook Email. LimoWiz email not affected.
- Update quick printing feature to align column and grand totals for numeric fields.
- Optimized email code.
LimoWiz 21.9.5 - Jan 28, 2022
- Update components to latest version to ensure performance and stability.
- Fix trips printing in some rare situations.
- Subject line is populated when emailing subcontractor trip ticket to driver.
- Add option calculate gratuity (tip) on Auxiliary field. See Settings - Calculations tab.
LimoWiz 21.9.3 - Jan 5, 2022
- Fix issue with including charges when sending email or SMS to multiple drivers.
- Fix deleting trip Misc Charges from within trip.
LimoWiz 21.9.2 - Dec 30, 2021
- Fix record lock issue when adding trips. The fix also applies to several areas in the system.
- Added a note: * = Disable Auto Complete on routing window to disable Google auto complete feature for the current routing line.
- Google auto complete for subscribers now works after the 4th entered character.
- Improved date handling of pickup and drop off dates on Duplicate Trip window.
- Fix issue with saving Routing Types List from Browser menu.
LimoWiz 21.8.8 - Nov 23, 2021 - Replaces 21.8.6
- Add a warning when trying to process a credit card with no zip/postal code on file. The warning will will when clicking the Process Sale or Pre Authorize button on payment screens. By default the option is OFF. To turn on, see Settings, first tab.
- Impove duplicate trip checking. Now there is a new option: Trip Date + Last Name + First + Pickup Time. So, the duplicate trip waring will only show if you are trying the same trip and the above condition is met. To turn option, see Settings, Trip Setting tab 1.
- Add Export to CSV button to several report windows where appropriate.
- Updated various components to latest versions.
LimoWiz 21.8.4 - Nov 9, 2021
- Fix an error during backup restore operation when indexing files.
- Force creation of the PDF subfolder if it does not exist when sending a calendar event to driver.
- Fix an issue when duplicating a trip and user did not enter a pick-up date. The extra Close Window popup does not show; however, the status will be shown and you can close the window after that.
- Updated various components especially the reporting engine which now renders reports much faster!
LimoWiz 21.8.2 - Oct 20, 2021
- Fix an issue with checking credit card expiration date.
- Cleanup some code.
LimoWiz 21.8.1 - October 5, 2021
- Improved layout of several windows and text.
- Updated to latest components including report engine.
LimoWiz 21.7.3 - August 27, 2021
- Fixed removal of temporary files when sending email confirmations.
- Updated to latest components.
LimoWiz 21.7.1 - June 23, 2021
- Update and improve duplicate trip window
- New account duplicate trips checking methods when adding trips. The default is by Trip Date.
LimoWiz 21.6.3 - June 3, 2021
- Update all components to their latest version which include security and performance enhancements.
- Optimized the old trips purge procedure; it now handles old email sent by the LimoWiz engine. The purge window also display a progress bar so you know the current status.
- Optimized sending trips to LimoWiz Driver mobile app on the cloud.
- Updated install to include the latest Microsoft runtime components to ensure smooth installation and registration in Windows.
LimoWiz 21.0.6 - May 1, 2021
- Update all components to their latest version.
- Contains fixes and improvements.
LimoWiz 21.0.5 - April 9, 2021
- Update all components to their latest version.
- Contain fixes and improvements.
- Allow drop off time update on dispatch window when time is blank.
- Fix record lock issue after clicking the service types button the trip zone edit window.
- Download page contains link to the required Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019 redistributable packages.
- Update Spreadsheet app.
- Editing times AM/PM portion on dispatch window is now capitalized.
LimoWiz 21.0.0 - Jan 28, 2021
- Backup utility now has an automatic cleanup option where you can select the number of recent backups to keep. This is useful of the target backup drive is limited in space or you are a service like Google Drive.
- Login window redesign.
- Update report components.
- Update email components.
- Update backup components.
- Update all third party libraries to latest components to ensure stability and security.
- Include fixes and internal code optimization.
LimoWiz 20.8.2 - Dec 5, 2020
- Update all third party libraries to latest components to ensure stability and security.
- LimoWiz now remembers its screen size and position even on multi monitors.
LimoWiz 20.8.1 - Nov 23, 2020
- Spreadsheet is now a separate app that can only be run from LimoWiz. Reduced memory requirements. Added additional Excel compatible toolbars.
- Fixed assigning driver from driver Que on dispatch window.
- Added option to add a custom message in the body of driver's Trip Ticket PDF email. See Settings, Email Terms tab.
- Fixed multi-trip report when no current trips found and there are past due trips outside the selected range of dates .
- Updated driver PDF email. If a subcontractor (based on Position in driver profile), the subcontractor template will be used.
- Updated all components to their latest version to ensure speed, security and compatibility with the latest versions of Windows 10.
LimoWiz 20.7.0 - August 19, 2020
- Fixed some issues related to recent Windows updates and the display of symbols or tabs in text.
- Fixed an issue where no prompt is shown when trip is canceled from dispatch window and trip status is set to Canceled Non-Billable.
- Updated internal components.
LimoWiz 20.6.1 - July 27, 2020
- Updated LimoWiz to latest components which includes enhancement and fixes.
- Optimized runtime and database engine.
LimoWiz 20.6.0 - June 17, 2020
- Updated LimoWiz to latest components
- Fixed auto backup when LimoWiz running.
- Auto backup now can be enabled in backup utility
LimoWiz 20.3.0 - May 8, 2020
- Added XX Trip Status Code which cam may have a custom description. It is Canceled Non-Billable.
- Fixed Spreadsheet app preview window was not loading.
- Updated PDF viewer app.
- Updated all internal components to their latest versions.
LimoWiz 20.2.6 - April 14, 2020
- Fixed tax % not showing on trip window in some cases.
- Updated all internal components to their latest versions.
LimoWiz 20.2.5 - March 27, 2020
- Fixed an issue where passenger profile was picking up account price table when it is not enabled.
- Improved deletion of old trips. Now only one step is required.
- Various design improvements.
LimoWiz 20.2.4 - March 12, 2020
- Hourly rate was not showing in some cases when adding trips.
- Non-Taxable accounts are handled properly when adding trips.
LimoWiz 20.2.3 - March 3, 2020
- Fixed issue where the Trip Type (category) was the reversed trip zone automatically. Now, it is preserved.
- Trip Type column is now displayed in the Trip Rates list window.
- Updated backup utility.
- Optimized index and update procedure.
- Updated trip window.
- Updated Google Auto Complete.
- Fixed View Email button on mailbox.
LimoWiz 20.2.0 - Feb 11, 2020
- Enhanced email confirmations and the inclusion of embedded images.
- NEW: Add driver picture to email confirmation (option under Settings / Email Account)
- Improved Google Auto Complete for places. It now gets the name and full address information.
- Ability to set the default email account to use with emailing via Microsoft Outlook. (option under Settings / Email Account).
- Fixed adding trip attachment to Outlook Email.
- Fixed RTF export for certain reports and improved handling of temporary PDF files.
- Improved handling of large data files.
- Added option to remove passenger count from multi-trip invoices. See Settings tab.
- Update memory handling.
- Updated various components to their latest versions.
LimoWiz 20.1.0 - Jan 6, 2020
- NEW: Schedule auto email pre-trip confirmation of next day trips.
- NEW: Schedule "Thank You" email pre-trip confirmation of previous day trips.
- NEW: Schedule auto data backup. LimoWiz has to be closed. Usually done overnight.
- LimoWiz login window and backup utility now display the date and time of the last backup.
To setup automation schedule. See Settings, Automation tab.
LimoWiz 20.0.5 - Dec 26, 2019
- NEW: Optional Google Address Auto Complete subscription now integrated in LimoWiz wherever an address is entered such as routing, account, passenger, driver, and credit card profiles.
See our YouTube channel for a demo.
- Reduced program size.
- Tightened credit card process code to trap certain timeout conditions if the gateway is not responding in time or you have a slow Internet connection.
- Fixed issue with payment logistics multi-trip Ar/R in 20.0.4.
- Fixed paid / unpaid multi-trip invoice.
- Fixed tab key order among fields on trip window.
LimoWiz 19.6.1 - Nov 29, 2019
- Fixed issue where leaving dispatch window idle for a long time may cause an error.
- Updated components.
- Stability and performance improvements in various areas.
LimoWiz 19.5.3 - Oct 21, 2019
- Iteration and duplication of trip no longer duplicates settle info if the driver/vehicle & settle info is selected.
- Optimized code.
LimoWiz 19.5.2 - Sept 10, 2019
- NEW: ability to create a new account from old information. See "New Account Record" button at bottom of account edit window.
- Updated internal components to their latest versions.
LimoWiz 19.5.1 - August 20, 2019
- NEW: iOS and Android Push Notifications integration with LimoWiz Driver mobile app. Drivers get instant notification on their mobile device for new and updated trips.
- Updated report parsing of data to avoid conflicts with user input in a very rare case.
LimoWiz 19.4.8 - July 4, 2019
- NEW: Now you can change the word "WELCOME" on the printed name sign. See Settings, Report Terms tab.
- Updated the LimoWiz program to handle non USA dates when sending trips to driver's mobile app and syncing data.
- Updated various internal components to their latest versions.
LimoWiz 19.4.4 - June 17, 2019
- NEW: NY, NYC Congestion Surcharge Report. See the following Youtube videos on the proper configuration and usage:
Configure Congestion Surcharge Fee Video.
Generate Congestion Surcharge Report Video.
- Several fixes and improvements.
LimoWiz 19.4.2 - May 28, 2019
- Updated the PDF receipt when sending credit card payment confirmation.
- NEW: Added signature option to the dispatch window Email Regular Message window so you can create and insert your signature when emailing custom messages.
To access the receipt option, open dispatch window, click email button at bottom right, select Email Regular Message, add an email address, then click Email Now button.
- NEW: Added option to display Trip Status Code instead of Trip Status Description on dispatch window. See option on the Dispatch tab under the Settings.
Reopen dispatch window:
- NEW: Added an option to send trip status. You click the Trip Status checkbox then click the Email button and select Email Confirmation To.

- Improved and fixed deleting a range of email messages under the LimoWiz Sent Email.
- Updated multi-trip invoice by reference number. Was not showing contact name and reference number.
- Increased tool tip (pop-up info when hovering over certain column cells) duration when hovering over certain cells of the dispatch window.
LimoWiz 19.3.0 - April 26, 2019
- Fixes and improvements. Closing dispatch window, CC info window.
- Option to include a PDF receipt on single trip payment confirm when processing a credit card. See Settings, Email Account --> Email Options.
- Updated to latest components.
LimoWiz 19.2.12 - April 4, 2019
- Addressed an issue where Microsoft Outlook was not keeping the original email as is when replying.
LimoWiz 19.2.11 - March 25, 2019
- Improved trip confirmation template which show the optional driver name and phone number.
- Fixed driver template fields which should not be shown.
- Improved Settings screen layout for the Dispatch tab - Column display.
- Improved Send Trip Driver Calendar Appointment email to include more relevant trip information.
- Payroll Report can be now filtered based on driver's position on file: All, Full Time, Part-Time, Subcontractor.
LimoWiz 19.2.7 - March 13, 2019
- Fixed payment current time for newly added payments.
- Fixed time validation in certain situations.
- Fixed multi-trip payment confirmation email for
- Tightened 24 hour time validation.
- Improved Trip Duplicate Window time checking and made drop-off time optional.
- First Name column added to trips dispatch window.
- Fixed pre auth CC to verify funds.
LimoWiz 19.2.0 - Feb 28, 2019
- All times are now saved into 24-Hour format (hhmm); however, default display is still in12-Hour format which can be changed in the settings. This change reduces database size and increases speed. It also makes it easier to upgrade to future technologies we are working on.
- Updated various windows layout.
- Various fixes including time conflict issues.
- Added option to exclude credit card holder's name from printing. See Settings.
- Added option to print single trip invoice/receipt printing date below header. See Settings, Billing tab.
- Add trip fix.
- Added a new option to change "Finance Charges" label to a custom label; This applies multi-trip invoices. See Settings, Finance tab.
LimoWiz 19.0.6 - Jan 30, 2019
- Email confirmations and invoices now handle tagged trips. Previously only the highlighted trip was emailed.
- Enhanced dispatch windows layout and email icon.
- Added new option to include driver name and mobile phone number on emailed confirmations. See Settings, Email Account tab under email options.
- Updated components.
- Various fixes and improvements.
LimoWiz 19.0.2 - Jan 11, 2019
- Updated Excel and PDF export.
- Updated components.
- Interface to Outlook Express and Live Mail has been removed since Microsoft longer supports it anymore. Use either LimoWiz email engine or the full version of Outlook.
LimoWiz 19.0.0 - Jan 2, 2019
- NEW: PDF Viewer to read PDF files.
- NEW: Full Spreadsheet app to create and manipulate Excel sheets right from LimoWiz.
- Update: Authorize.NET and Twilio API updated to their latest versions.
- Warning is displayed if Data Index options is not started (canceled by user). Not indexing may leave data out of sync.
- Warning is displayed if you try to run Index Data Files on a network and you are on a workstation not the server.
- Various fixes and improvements.
LimoWiz 18.2.7 - Dec 5, 2018
- Dispatch Window: changing drivers now prompt to send a driver a a message of cancellation and also remove trip from LimoWiz mobile app (LWD).
- Refreshed installation files.
LimoWiz 18.2.6 - Nov 19, 2018
- Updated internal libraries to their latest version to ensure best performance and fix several issues.
- Several optimizations.
LimoWiz 18.2.5 - Oct 13, 2018
- Updated Google Maps API integration.
- Updated maps zoom level.
LimoWiz 18.2.4 - Sept 29, 2018
- Fixed: Trip note checkbox on dispatch window which did not display properly.
- Fixed with Remember checkbox on account window which caused an error upon closing the window.
- Authorize.NET response is now displayed due to a credit card decline.
- Discount List (coupon) codes is now available under the main menu, Browse option. Coupon code can then be used in the trip window to give discounts. A discount may have an expiration date.
Discount sample:
LimoWiz 18.2.1 - Sept 5, 2018
- Mobile driver sync utility update to allow driver notes to be added without overwriting dispatch note. Now notes are unlimited, i.e. multiple notes can be added. Also the trip tool tip will show the notes and specify if a note is a driver note or a dispatcher note.
- Added option to user restrictions on rates table now disallow adding, editing or deleting of rates.
- Added option to user restrictions on trip duplication and iteration.
- Updated report components and various libraries to the latest versions.
LimoWiz 18.2.0 - July 5, 2018
- LimoWiz is now "Large Address Aware" which increases the maximum available memory to LimoWiz. It now utilizes 4 GB RAM instead of 2 GB on Windows 64-bit . This should provide a speed boost when running large tasks. Please provide your feedback on this new feature here.
- Performance improvement for LimoWiz new reports.
- Various enhancements to recording payments on multi-trip payments. There is no longer an additional prompt after payment is approved.
- Multi-Trip Billing window now displays a warning if an account has an Open Balance on file and that it may affect the invoice Total Due.
LimoWiz 18.1.1 - July 5, 2018
- All credit card gateways integrations now use new code that's TLS 1.2 compliant.
- Various improvements and internal updates.
- HTML editor "Insert Image URL" now works correctly.
- HTML editor pages now save pages (files) in HTML 5 document format.
- Enhanced trip window closure
LimoWiz 18.0.9 - June 12, 2018
- Fixed “Pay as much as we can” in multi-trip pay window when paying non-CC trips.
- Account search will always be in Account Number mode if an account number is entered on previous window.
LimoWiz 18.0.7 - May 29, 2018
- Updated Cayan Issue Refund function.
- Updated Cayan checking for any returned gateway errors such as invalid credentials.
- Updated various components to their latest versions.
- Authorize.Net gateway interface update.
LimoWiz 18.0.4 - May 11, 2018
- Updated LimoWiz to 2018 programming components.
- Improved system memory management and required resources.
- Added Limo ID to PUC reports.
- Increased single tip invoice top margin.
- Grand Totals on Single trip invoices are now suppressed by default. To turn on, see Settings, Billing/AR tab:
Print Grand Totals on Single Trip Invoice when printing multiple
- Force TLS 1.2 protocol for integration.
- Trip Iteration Window: Added option to duplicate a trip on the same date.
- Added Cancel button on the "Include Trip Charges" dialog to allow you to cancel sending email confirmations.
LimoWiz 17.5.3 - March 13, 2018
- NEW: Authorize.NET gateway integration which is TLS 1.2 compliant. Your Windows operating system must also be TLS 1.2 enabled. Windows 10 by default is TLS compliant; check with your IT or contact us.
- Various speed optimizations.
- Includes Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 redistributable runtime components for computers that do not have them installed. These components are required and get installed as part of the LimoWiz installation.
- Fixed driver HTML email.
LimoWiz 17.4.0 - Feb 28, 2018
- NEW: added WELCOME text line on name greeting sign.
- Fix: printer margin warning removed when printing single trip invoice.
- Fix: print Reserved By (Contact) name on address line on single trip invoice report.
- Fix: save single trip print date to account profile.
- Updated the various frameworks used inside LimoWiz to their latest versions.
- Added option to check if TLS 1.2 is enabled on your system for https communications. See Tools menu, TLS 1.2 Check.
LimoWiz 17.3.8 - Feb 8, 2018
- NEW: Customize the report caption (title) of driver's payroll report and farm-out report. To set, see Settings, Trip Settings (tab 2).
- Optimized payroll reports.
- Updated single trip invoice report.
- Updated credit card multi-trip payment so tagged trips amount is used; no need to enter amount paid.
- Added First and Last buttons on dispatch window to go to first trip and last trip in the listing
LimoWiz 17.3.3 - Dec 20, 2017
- NEW: A preferred credit card be selected from credit cards list for accounts, passengers or account contacts.

On credit card list, select a a preferred credit card, then double click the Preferred checkbox.
A preferred credit card reference will be automatically be printed on trip tickets and email confirmations.
On payment window, a preferred credit will denoted by a *P* in the credit drown list.
If a preferred credit card is set under account, account contact or passenger, you may see multiple preferred cards listed.
- Fixed email confirmation buttons on Trip Settle window.
- Fixed mailing labels reports.
- Fixed reports handling of certain delimiter characters that affected report generation.
- Updated components to latest versions.
LimoWiz 17.2.4 - Nov 26, 2017
- Totals Calendar is now click able. Clicking a day will display the trips associated with selected date.
- Pre authorization when adding credit card using Cayan fixed.
- Updated multi-trip invoices to print Total Tax correctly.
- Twilio SMS messages integration update.
- Some Intel graphic cards do not draw windows correctly; this version forces a draw.
LimoWiz 17.2.1 - October 18, 2017
- Reports: Print Total Trips and Total Due on last page of trips estimates and trip contracts only when printing multiple trips for same account.
- Updated reports engine.
- Estimates/Quote now may have their own footer text. See Settings, Report Terms tab.
LimoWiz 17.1.7 - August 23, 2017
- The option to suppress printing of percentages now also works on invoices.
- VVarious improvements.
LimoWiz 17.1.6 - August 9, 2017
- Fixed "Account Outstanding Balance and Revenue Report".
- Reduced program size.
LimoWiz 17.1.5 - August 7, 2017
- For users of the LimoWiz Driver Mobile App, now you can see last drivers' locations on Google maps. See the mobile icon on dispatch window.
- Updated internal components to latest versions.
- Audit list improvements.
- All payroll reports now include the "Total Flat Rate" on last page.
- Unsettled payroll trips now properly refresh display list after settlement.
- Added warning when trying to pay trips via credit card and amount entered less than tagged trips total.
- Various fixes.
LimoWiz 17.0.97 - May 3, 2017
- Cayan credit card processing now uses Level 2 processing for more savings.
- Trip window has a zoom button for a discounts list. You can add a discount description, amount or percentage and expiration date.
- Improved reports rendering speed.
- The RTF editor is now part of LimoWiz and thus faster to load. No separate download needed. This ensures the latest program components are used.
- Option to exclude any reference to CC info on email confirmations now works correctly.
- Apply same amount to each tagged trip on multiple A/R (to be used with CC deposits).
- Added option to display trip Drop-Off Date on dispatch window. See Settings, Dispatch tab
- Dispatch graph look ahead days can be up to 7 days. See Settings, Dispatch tab.
- Fixes.
LimoWiz 17.0.86 - March 11, 2017
- Fixed issue with including charges on driver email.
- Updated various component to latest version.
LimoWiz 17.0.85 - March 3, 2017
- Fixed routing printing of last line.
- Fixed trip type confirmation edit button.
- Updated subcontractor ticket.
- Updated unexpected program exit detection.
- Cleanup of unused fields on configuration files.
LimoWiz 17.0.84 - Feb 9, 2017
- Added Corporate Passenger Invoice report.
- If an account has an alternate mailing address, it will now print on single trip invoice.
- Updated reports.
- Updated components.
- Fixed printing vehicle info on trip tickets.
- When credit card is expired, "EXPIRED" will be printed on trip tickets next to the masked credit card number.
- First cell phone number, will now get populated on trip window if an account or passenger has one on file. Passenger cell phone number has precedence.
- Suppress trip charges percentage printing now works on trip tickets and invoices.
- Fixed account not found issue in some cases when adding trips.
LimoWiz 17.0.79 - Jan 19, 2017
- Dispatch window update.
- lMinor fixes.
LimoWiz 17.0.76 - Dec 20, 2016
- Corrected an issue when doing a round trip that could lead to a duplicate trip.
- New Spell Check button on routing window to spell check current routing line. Also available for trip notes log and trip dispatch note.
Show spell check video
- Updated reports handling.
- Updated components to latest version.
LimoWiz 17.0.68 - November 10, 2016
- New LimoWiz program icon.
- New LimoWiz email engine which handles encrypted SSL and TLS connections.
- Previous and Next trip toolbar buttons have been re-added to trip window.
- Routing Types such as TO, PU, DO, etc may be customized and additional options may be added.
See Browse menu. Show route types video
- Send short HTML trip information as HTML email option, which is similar to SMS text only email, in HTML format.
- Updated backup utility.
- New HTML and RTF Editor are now built in. No separate downloads required.
- Settings: RTF Terms tab been renamed Report Terms, and HTML Terms has been rename Email Terms.
- Various fixes and design improvements.